The Dock is sending out an open call to all young people in Leitrim and the surrounding areas to participate in a themed exhibition titled, NATURE NURTURE. This new project ,Young Exhibitors creates an exhibition space both virtual and real for young artists to show their artwork in a highly regarded public gallery. The exhibition will be curated, so we will be choosing artwork that shows talent, imagination and artistic flair.
There are three age categories 1) 7-10 years, 2) 11-14 years and 3) 15-18 years.
The exhibition is open to all 2D mediums and techniques (painting, drawing, photography, collage, mix media, digital, etc.) with a maximum size limit of A3 (30x42cm).
Submission to the exhibition is online only. The selected art works will be exhibited in a new virtual gallery on The Dock website, curated by artist David Smith and Laura Mahon Visual Arts & Education Manager at The Dock. Participants from the Collective Producers project will also have a curator/technician role in organizing these events.Later in the year we will be offering the opportunity to show the original works at The Dock. Selected exhibitors will have the chance to participate in virtual critiques/workshops with our curators using social media/Zoom and other platforms.
The deadline for entry is 5:00pm, 30th April 2020.
Email submissions to:
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.