1st Jan 2020
to 19th Mar 2020
Age Range
All ages
St Johns Arts Centre
V31 DW21
Youth Theatre- Free Radicals
Initially three taster sessions with schools in Listowel in October/November 2019 to demonstrate a general understanding of what would happen in a Youth Theatre Workshop.
Followed up by a sign up from students from each of the three schools, venue sought, permission from guardians/parents and commitment. Classes took place on every Tuesdsay for two hours.
Venue was secured through KDYS Listowel and namely Michelle O’Neill. Between 8 and 12 students attended the weekly classes in The KDYS Building on a Tuesday afternoon between 4.30 and 6.30pm.
Three schools from Listowel attended the classes these included Colaiste na Riochta, St Michael’s College and Presentation Convent.
Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.