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TILDA online webinar: Creative Activity in the Ageing Population

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TILDA online webinar: Creative Activity in the Ageing Population

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TILDA online webinar: Creative Activity in the Ageing Population

The Creative Ireland Programme and the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), Trinity College Dublin, invite you to an expert-led online webinar to launch the publication of the TILDA report on Creative Activity in the Ageing Population.

Creative activity in our older lives

Creative Ireland has funded The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) to investigate the impact that participation in creative activity can have on our lives as we get older. The resulting report is the only representative sample of its kind done in Ireland. The report presents findings on participation in arts, creative and cultural activities among older adults in Ireland using data from Wave 6 of TILDA. 

TILDA Wave 6 report 2023 can be viewed here 


Investigating the impact that participation in creative activity can have on our lives as we age, the resulting TILDA report is the only representative sample of its kind done in Ireland

A nationally representative study of community dwelling adults aged 50 years and over in Ireland, TILDA visits its participants every two years to interview them about their social, economic, health and financial situation. This report follows on from a previous TILDA report Creative Activity in the Ageing Population, by examining in more detail the engagement, motivations, and barriers to participation in arts, creative and cultural activities.

Hosted by Oliva O’Leary there will be contributions from Rebecca Minch, Creative Ireland; Programme Professor Rose-Anne Kenny, Professor of Medical Gerontology at Trinity College Dublin; and Catherine McGuigan, Chief Officer, Age Friendly Ireland.

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