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19th Sep 2022
to 20th Dec 2022

Age Range
All ages

Kildare Oral Heritage Training Programme

Dr Tomás Mac Conmara, will lead the Kildare Oral Heritage Training Programme which will enable historical and heritage groups to

  • Develop a skill in the recording of oral histories
  • Reach out to communities in Kildare, engaged in combating social isolation amongst older people,
  • Identify and record individuals on the unique memories, experiences, customs, and folklore of their communities and
  • Illuminate the value of oral history as a method of documenting history, validating personal memory, combating social isolation and generation community memory.
The project will be delivered through

  • the provision of seven two-hour workshops,
  • personalised, experience-based mentoring to individuals and groups,
  • a concluding workshop to follow period of mentoring that will collectively address all issues raised and maximise learning outcomes.  
The workshops will operate in a hybrid model of both in-person and online deliveries. 

For queries contact:

Please note that the details of events listed above are provided by the relevant Local Authorities.

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