D’fhonn pobail a nascadh ar feadh uiscebhealaí na hÉireann chun gníomhú práinneach ar son na haeráide a spreagadh agus todhchaí comhroinnte saor ó charbón a chruthú; seoladh láithreán gréasáin agus taispeántas maidir le líníochtaí deartha do thionscadal na Bádamharclainne Éiceolaíochta i mí Lúnasa ar bhruach na Feoire, Cill Chainnigh.
Ar aghaidh faoi Lán Seoil
Beidh sí réidh chun aghaidh a thabhairt ar na huiscebhealaí intíre ón mbliain 2022 ar aghaidh, agus tá an tsaotharlann ealaíon éiceolaíochta ar barr uisce nach mbeidh a leithéid arís ann á forbairt ag na healaíontóirí Anne Cleary agus Denis Connolly ón School of Looking. Cé gur in 1929 a bhí sí i mbarr a réime, claochlófar an báirse oidhreachta éachtach atá 48 méadar ar fhad ina hárthach saor ó charbón a bheidh oiriúnach do thaispeántais Bádamharclainne Éiceolaíochta ar fud lochanna, aibhneacha agus canálacha áille na hÉireann – ar trí sin a spreagfar freagra ealaíonta i leith an athraithe aeráide ar fud na tíre ar feadh an bhealaigh.
“Déanfar an báirse stairiúil 48m, a tógadh in 1929, a chlaochlú ina árthach atá neodrach ó thaobh carbóin de trí iarracht fud fad na tíre – beidh sé ina shiombail dár bhfás i dtreo todhchaí ghlas – agus tabharfaidh sí faoi aistear dhá bhliain ar fud na tíre ar na huiscebhealaí intíre ag obair le healaíontóirí, eolaithe agus pobail chun leas a bhaint as ár samhlaíocht choiteann agus gníomhú ar son na haeráide a spreagadh” – Forógra na Bádamharclainne Éiceolaíochta

An Adaptable Platform
Set to be an adaptable platform, the Eco Showboat is expected to respond to its various, site-specific contexts. Different audiences, arts projects, orientations and weather will be facilitated at every stop on its journey.
“Adaptability has become central to the design of the boat as a platform, especially in relation to the unpredictable evolution of the Covid-19 crisis, which has pushed us to keep our public activities outside”

Just some of the vessel’s functions as it makes its journey will be a stage, an outdoor cinema, a covered outdoor venue and a studio lab.
With five projects involved in the Eco Showboat initiative, participants will collaborate with the creative, scientific and wider communities they meet en route, to awaken a better understanding of the beauty, possibilities and problems of fresh water.
The Eco Showboat’s five collaborating projects:
Marie Hanlon | Dublin
Water quality is central to Marie’s project, ‘The Way We Treat Water’, which will focus on water in a time of climate change – the water cycle, flooding, drought, water treatment, water recycling, desalination etc. The project supports the idea that available water is a limited entity now threatened by climate change, rising population and the ever-increasing demands of modern lifestyle.
Marta Golubowsk | Kildare
An artist living on the Grand Canal, Marta is part of a community whose lives depend on the waters of the canals. Her project is called ‘Invasive Species’ and is concerned with waterweed known as ‘Coon’s tail’ or ‘Hornwort’ (Ceratophyllum demersum) which wraps itself around the shafts of propellers and makes navigation difficult or even impossible.
Paul Berg | Clare
Four years ago Paul started working on ‘An Crannog Ceoil’ (‘The Musical Island’), a four-metre in diameter raft fixed to a disused pontoon. The project involves working with air displacement by water pressure (in this case using the natural flow and rise of Lough Derg, where the raft is located) to play sound pipes, such as deconstructed harmoniums, bamboo and timber. For his collaboration with the Eco Showboat, Paul plans to construct a range of low-sounding, free floating pipes that can be played on the island and on the harbour wall where the raft will be moored.
Joanna McGlynn | Galway
Joanna develops context-specific projects in response to the immediate physical environment, with a sensitivity to communities of people, place and interest. Themes of natural heritage, plant biodiversity and micro-ecosystems form the foundation of her collaboration with the Eco Showboat which she has been developing in partnership with a sound artist, Anne Marie Deacy and with the help of researcher Dr. Christie Cunniffe.
Chelsea Canavan & Deirdre Power | Limerick
Chelsea and Deirdre look at existing communities of interest along the canals that continue to retain a belonging long after the redundancy of the commercial movement of goods has stopped. Canals emerged as controlled landscapes in response to created industries along routes. As a result, constructed ‘artificial’ waterways that evolved present ecologies within vernacular architecture, exposing new histories.

Keep your eyes on the waterways in 2022 for this unique vessel!
Find out more about the fascinating Eco Showboat project here.